In Radu Muntean’s closely observed, brilliantly acted relationship drama – a Romanian Scenes from a Marriage – middle-aged Paul (Mimi Brănescu) must choose between his wife of 10 years, Adriana (Mirela Oprişor), and his mistress, pediatric dentist Raluca (Maria Popistaşu). As Paul’s attempts to conceal his adultery paint him into an ever-narrowing corner, Muntean heightens the suspense by staging the film in a series of immaculately framed and choreographed long takes, in which his trio of actors convey the raw emotional states of their characters without ever devolving into histrionics. Oprişor, Brănescu’s real-life wife, is a particular revelation as the oblivious and then wounded Adriana, astonishing in her portrayal of one woman’s betrayal, hurt and spite.
Directed by Radu Muntean
Screenplay: Răzvan Rădulescu, Alex Baciu, Radu Muntean
Cinematography: Tudor Lucaciu
Cast: Mimi Brănescu, Mirela Oprişor, Maria Popistaşu, Victor Rebengiuc, Dragoş Bucur
Production: Multi Media Est
Festivals: Cannes 2010 – Un certain regard; New York Film Festival
Romanian with English subtitles