As the 18th edition of Making Waves comes to a close, we would like to thank our partners – IFC Center, Roxy Cinema New York and DCTV’s Firehouse Cinema – and our generous sponsors and individual donors:
The Trust for Mutual Understanding, Ștefania Magidson and Blue Heron Foundation, the Romanian National Film Center, Dacin Sara, the Romanian Filmmakers Union, Permanent Mission of Romania to the U.N., My Balkans,
Dan Perjovschi, Adrian Ghenie, Ciprian Mureșan, Șerban Savu, Marius Bercea, Roman Tolici, Svetlana Mihăilescu, Pulsar Sinaps,
Ovidiu Șandor, Andrew Solomon, Eleanor Sebastian & Charles Frank, Anghel Damian, Edward C. Blau, Andrei Both, Ana Cristea, Marie-France Ionesco, Florina Carmen Paraschiv, Mihai Cucui, Alexandru Salcianu, Marina Draghici & Michel Vachon, Melissa M Gibbs & Matei Varga, Alex Bacu, Tudor Leu, Loredana Scarlat, Jonathan Howell, Jane Lombard, Bogdan George Apetri, Călin Mihăilescu, Adriana Guiman, Adrian Coman, Kyoko Hirano, Flaviu Simihaian, Paul Negoescu, Carmen Firan & Adrian Sangeorzan & Anonymous
We are also grateful to Nicodim Gallery for its generous and continued support for Making Waves.
Thank you also to our media partners, RFI and Aiciastat.